ACC 573 ASSIST Great Stories / ACC 573 ASSIST Great Stories / | Page 2
11. Financial statement forecasts rely on additivity within
financial statements and articulation across financial statements.
Given this information sales growth forecasts will most likely
affect growth in
12. Equity-based valuation models are based on all metrics except
13. If a firm has a market beta of 0.9, is subject to an income tax
rate of 35 percent, has a risk-free rate of 6 percent, a market risk
premium of 7 percent, and has a market value of debt to market
value of equity ratio of 60 percent, what does the market expect
the firm to generate in terms of equity returns using CAPM?
14. Equity valuation models based on dividends, cash flows, and
earnings have been the topic of many theoretical and empirical
research studies in recent years. All of the following are true
regarding these studies except:
A disadvantage of the free cash flow valuation method i
Operating assets include all of the following except
18. The conceptual framework for free cash flows separates the
balance sheet equation into the following categories:
19. If an analyst wants to value a potential investment in the net
operating assets of a division of another firm, the analyst should
discount the projected free cash flows at the