ACC 573 ASSIST Great Stories / ACC 573 ASSIST Great Stories / | Page 10
Based on your review of the current requirements of the SEC and
FASB, assess the adequacy of the guidelines for ensuring the
transparency of off-balance-sheet transactions to investors,
indicating where improvements may still be needed. Provide
support for your rationale.
As a CFO of a publically traded company, evaluate the pros and
cons of using off-balance-sheet financing, including a
recommendation as to whether or not you support using these
types of arrangements. Provide support for your recommendation
ยท Given the requirements contained in the Act for CEO and CFOs
to certify the adequacy of controls and financial statement
accuracy, evaluate your comfort level with this requirement
should you become a CFO of a publically traded company.
Provide support for your rationale.
ACC 573 Week 4 DQ 2
Based on the information found in the e-Activity, assess the key
differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRS reporting for the
testing of asset impairment and the requirement to write down