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------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACC 573 Week 5 DQ 1
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACC 573 Week 5 DQ 2
the asset value . Indicate whether or not you support the U . S . GAAP or IFRS approach . Provide support for your position .
As an investor , recommend a strategy for evaluating long-lived asset values contained on the balance sheet of a publically traded company so as to minimize the risk to the investor . Provide support for your strategy .

------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACC 573 Week 5 DQ 1

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Create an argument for the use of Fair Market Accounting as opposed to historical cost . Provide support for your argument .
Evaluate the effectiveness of the accounting principle guidelines for determining the market value of an asset , indicating improvements to these guidelines . Provide support for your recommendations .
Create an argument for the use of Fair Market Accounting as opposed to historical cost . Provide support for your argument .

------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACC 573 Week 5 DQ 2