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anonymous tip that the financial statements were prepared in a fraudulent manner. Your initial reaction is that the threat level is high. Develop a plan of action that you would take to react to this allegation. Support your plan with examples and provide a rationale. =================================================== ACC 571 Week 2 Assignment 1 Corporate Fraud Schemes FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT ACC 571 Week 2 Assignment 1 Assignment 1: Corporate Fraud Schemes Identify an organization that was involved in corporate fraud. Explain how fraud can be detected and evaluate the importance of teamwork and leadership in a fraud investigation. For this assignment, research the Internet or Strayer databases and identify an organization that was involved in corporate fraud. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Based on your research, identify and assess the fraud that occurred in the organization and the impact it has had on the corporation’s investors and creditors. Provide support for your rationale. Suggest how a financial forensic investigation could have detected fraud in the organization that you researched. Consider the risk