ACC 571 EDU Education Terms/ ACC 571 EDU Education Terms/ | Page 6
what types of fraud may / or may not be committed in the future.
Support your
prediction(s) with examples.
Imagine you are the controller of a major new tech start-up. Upper
management is putting
pressure on you to exceed Wall Street’s earnings expectations for the
next quarter. You
have decided that you have to “cook the books” in order to exceed
expectations. Create a
scheme to increase earnings for the quarter. Support your scheme with
"Financial Reporting Structure" Please respond to the
Analyze the current control structure for safeguarding financial
reporting. Based on your
analysis, recommend changes that will strengthen the current control
structure. Support
your recommendations with examples and rationale.
You have just been hired by XYZ Company as a senior-level
accountant. You think you
have discovered what you believe to be fraud in the latest financial
statements. Propose
what actions you might take regarding what you have discovered.
Support your proposal
with examples.