Make recommendations that would prevent you from carrying out your scheme . Support your scheme and recommendations with examples .
Fraud Detection Methods & quot ; Please respond to the following :
From the e-Activity , evaluate the various tools / techniques available to auditors to prevent or detect fraud . Based on your analysis , propose the most effective audit tools / techniques that would have prevented or detected the fraud . Support your proposal with examples .
Evaluate what drivers would cause you to commit fraud . Based on that evaluation , rank the drivers and the types of fraud you would be willing to commit . Propose a solution for
society as a whole to prevent fraud . Support your solution with examples and a rationale .
& quot ; Financial Statement Fraud & quot ; Please respond to the following :
Evaluate the types of financial statement fraud that has occurred in the past and predict what types of fraud may / or may not be committed in the future . Support your prediction ( s ) with examples .
Imagine you are the controller of a major new tech start-up . Upper management is putting pressure on you to exceed Wall Street ’ s earnings expectations for the next quarter . You
have decided that you have to “ cook the books ” in order to exceed expectations . Create a scheme to increase earnings for the quarter . Support your scheme with examples .
& quot ; Financial Reporting Structure & quot ; Please respond to the following :
Analyze the current control structure for safeguarding financial reporting . Based on your analysis , recommend changes that will