ACC 568 TUTOR Invent Yourself/ ACC 568 TUTOR Invent Yourself/ | Page 12

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Assignment 3 : International Taxation and Foreign Tax Credits Due Week 6 and worth 280 points
Assume you are a CPA working as a tax professional and are hired by a client who is a U . S . -based taxpayer and is interested in expanding the business into foreign markets .
Using the Internet or Strayer databases , conduct research on the various tax impacts for U . S . companies that expand abroad .
Write a four to six ( 4-6 ) page paper in which you : 1 .
2 . Based on your research , assess at least two ( 2 ) types of organizations that the taxpayer could establish abroad and the various tax impacts that these types of organization may cause . Provide support for your rationale .
3 . Based on your research , develop a strategy for the client to repatriate earnings from the foreign markets and avoid or mitigate