Write clearly and concisely about international tax planning and
research using proper writing mechanics.
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ACC 568 Week 6 Assignment 3 International Taxation and
Foreign Tax Credits
Assignment 3: International Taxation and Foreign Tax Credits
Due Week 6 and worth 280 points
Assume you are a CPA working as a tax professional and are hired
by a client who is a U.S.-based taxpayer and is interested in
expanding the business into foreign markets.
Using the Internet or Strayer databases, conduct research on the
various tax impacts for U.S. companies that expand abroad.
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
2. Based on your research, assess at least two (2) types of
organizations that the taxpayer could establish abroad and the
various tax impacts that these types of organization may cause.
Provide support for your rationale.