ACC 568 MART Learn by Doing/ ACC 568 MART Learn by Doing/ | Page 10

Using the Internet or Strayer databases, conduct research on the various tax impacts for U.S. companies that expand abroad. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: 1. 2. Based on your research, assess at least two (2) types of organizations that the taxpayer could establish abroad and the various tax impacts that these types of organization may cause. Provide support for your rationale. 3. Based on your research, develop a strategy for the client to repatriate earnings from the foreign markets and avoid or mitigate the U.S. tax impact on repatriation. Provide support for your rationale. 4. Based on your research, evaluate foreign tax credits and propose at least three (3) tax credits the client could use and the impact on the taxes. Provide examples with your rationale. 5. Based on your research, assess the impact that the accumulated earnings tax had on the client and how the tax could be avoided or mitigated. Provide examples with your rationale. 6. Based on your research, analyze the rules regarding potential U.S. and foreign sourced losses and propose scenario to your client that would best represent the proper treatment of those losses. Provide support for your rationale.