ACC 564 TUTOR Start With a Dream / ACC 564 TUTOR Start With a Dream / | Page 24
• The 21st century auditor requires knowledge of technology and
accounting information systems in addition to his / her understanding
of accounting concepts and guidelines. The degree of knowledge in
technology and AIS will vary with each auditor. Recommend the top-
five technology and AIS skills that the 21st century auditor should
have. Justify your recommendations.
Now, recommend a series of actions that need to be taken by auditors
and their firms to ensure that the auditors
ACC 564 Week 5 Quiz 2
ACC 564 Week 5 Quiz 2
Question 1
Illegally obtaining and using confidential information about a person
for economic gain is known as
Question 2
The deceptive method by which a perpetrator gains access to the
system by pretending to be an authorized user is called
Question 3
Developers of computer systems often include a user name and
password that is hidden in the system, just in case they need to get into
the system and correct problems in the future. This is referred to as a
Question 4