ACC 564 TUTOR Start With a Dream / ACC 564 TUTOR Start With a Dream / | Page 15
training on these tools. You have been given the responsibility of
familiarizing your team with these tools. Evaluate which techniques,
in terms of their appropriateness, you would use to get your team
ready for its first assignment—the evaluation of a firm’s internal
control structure.
Week 2 Discussion 2
"David Miller" Please respond to the following:
Read the David Miller case from Chapter 5. After reading the case,
describe a reason why someone who has been entrusted with the firm’s
assets would commit a fraudulent act against the company. Based
upon your understanding of the case and your professional and
personal experience, recommend a series of actions that should have
been taken in order to prevent this.
Now that the damage has been done by Mr. Miller after his last
episode, the blame game begins. Review all of the
ACC 564 Week 3 DQ 1 Attacks and DQ 2 Revamping the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
ACC 564 Week 3 Discussion Questions –
Week 3 Discussion 1
"Attacks" Please respond to the following: