ACC 564 TUTOR Invent Yourself/ ACC 564 TUTOR Invent Yourself/ | Page 36

From the e-Activity , evaluate two different software packages and propose how you would promote one package over the other =================================================== ACC 564 Week 9 Quiz 4
Implementing a AIS system could prove to be beneficial or detrimental to an organization ’ s IT infrastructure . Assess the risks associated with integrating a AIS system and suggest what management can do to minimize those risks .
You have been selected as the change agent for the implementation of a AIS system that will ultimately affect the way all employees complete their daily tasks . The AIS system will also require online approvals for all source documents . This will result in significant cost savings for the firm ; however , in the past , employees have been resistant to radical changes such as this . Evaluate the risks and rewards of such a move by the firm . Provide specific examples to support your response .
Week 9 Discussion 2 " AIS " Please respond to the following :
You are part of a project management team evaluating accounting software packages that could be used by S & S ( i . e ., the case company referenced in Chapters 1 through 4 ), which would incorporate its four basic transaction cycles . Suggest five factors that the team should consider when selecting the package . Rank the factors in order of importance , and then justify your ranking .

From the e-Activity , evaluate two different software packages and propose how you would promote one package over the other =================================================== ACC 564 Week 9 Quiz 4

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