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ACC 564 Week 7 DQ 1 Professional Service Organizations and DQ 2 General Ledger and Reporting Systems FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT ACC 564 Week 7 Discussion Questions – Week 7 Discussion 1 "Professional Service Organizations" Please respond to the following: You have been asked by the CFO of the company where you work or previously worked to evaluate the use of a professional service organization for processing the company’s payroll. Identify the top- three issues that should be discussed when considering contracting the services of a payroll service provider. Evaluate the impact, both positive and negative, of each issue on the process in question. Provide specific examples to support your response. Using the information from the e-Activity, identify the key elements of a plan to outsource your firm’s payroll function. For each element of the plan, describe the impact of each element. Be sure that the elements address the necessary controls needed to safeguard your firm’s personnel data. Provide specific examples to support your rationale. Week 7 Discussion 2 "General Ledger and Reporting Systems" Please respond to the following: