ACC 564 Something Great / ACC 564 Something Great / | Page 6

Which of the following is the greatest risk to information systems and causes the greatest dollar losses ?
. Question 23 .
One fraudulent scheme covers up a theft by creating cash through the transfer of money between banks . This is known as
. Question 24 . Most frauds are detected by . Question 25 . The most efficient way to conceal asset misappropriation is to . Question 26 .
A fraud technique that slices off tiny amounts from many projects is called the ________ technique .
. Question 27 .
Computer fraud perpetrators that modify programs during systems development , allowing access into the system that bypasses normal system controls are using
. Question 28 .
A fraud technique that allows a perpetrator to bypass normal system controls and enter a secured system is called
. Question 29 .
Computer fraud perpetrators who use telephone lines to commit fraud and other illegal acts are typically called