In today ’ s technology environment , hackers present a substantial risk to a firm ’ s accounting or business system . As the result of these attacks , firms suffer huge losses , ranging from financial losses to losses in confidence by consumers , creditors , and suppliers . Firms may have made a significant investment in financial and non-financial resources to secure these systems .
For this assignment , research the Internet or databases for information related to business systems that have been hacked .
Write a five to seven ( 5-7 ) page paper in which you :
Based on the information you researched , evaluate the level of responsibility of the company in terms of the effectiveness of the response to the security breach . Provide support for your rationale .
Imagine that the company that you researched uses a third-party accounting system . Assess the level of responsibility of the software provider to both the business and its clients . Provide support for your rationale .
Create an argument for additional regulation as a preventative measure against businesses being hacked . Provide support for your argument .
Provide at least three ( 3 ) recommendations for businesses to secure their systems and assets from hackers . Provide support for your recommendation .
Use at least three ( 3 ) quality resources in this assignment . Note : Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources .
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements :
Be typed , double spaced , using Times Roman font ( size 12 ), with one-inch margins on all sides ; citations and references must follow