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ACC 564 Week 11 DQ 1 Looking Back and DQ 2 Looking Ahead

ACC 564 Week 11 DQ 1 Looking Back and DQ 2 Looking Ahead

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ACC 564 Week 11 Discussion Questions – Week 11 Discussion 1 " Looking Back " Please respond to the following :
The AICPA would like for you to deliver a speech at one of its upcoming conferences on the future of accounting information systems . From the first e-Activity , select one conference and formulate the takeaway message and key points that you would want your audience to remember from your speech .
After delivering your speech , you have been approached by representatives from Oracle ( Oracle Financials ) and Microsoft ( Microsoft Dynamics ) regarding your key points . From the second e- Activity , evaluate how your message can be used to enhance their product line and vision
Week 11 Discussion 2 " Looking Ahead " Please respond to the following :
Evaluate the top-three concepts covered in this course that provided the most value to you and how you might incorporate those concepts or processes into your current job or future endeavors .