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ACC 562 Week 11 DQs
REDTOP ’ s internal audit function . Provide a rationale to support your response .
From the case study , give your opinion as to whether or not your external audit engagement team could use REDTOP ’ s internal audit function in another fashion , as opposed to merely relying on existing internal audits in order to perform the overall audit of REDTOP Sports Company . Recommend one ( 1 ) alternative to using the work that the internal audit has already yielded as part of your external audit . Provide a rationale to support your response .

ACC 562 Week 11 DQs

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Discuss one ( 1 ) way in which you anticipate using what you have learned from this course in your current or future career . Provide one ( 1 ) specific example to support your response .
Speculate on one ( 1 ) specific auditing area presented in this course that you believe may be eliminated , added , or changed in the next ten ( 10 ) years . Provide a rationale to support your response .