ACC 562 Something Great / ACC 562 Something Great / | Page 35

3 . In this case study , leaked merger and acquisition information was used to enable the fraud . Determine the key internal controls needed over the communication of confidential information to outside parties , and analyze the manner in which these controls act as a deterrent to fraudulent activities .
4 . Pretend you are Donna Murdoch in this case study and propose an alternative plan to act on the leaked information . Next , recommend one ( 1 ) strategy to communicate the alternative plan and determine whom the plan should be communicated with . Justify the response .
5 . In this case study , E & Y was providing a consulting service to The Blackstone Group related to its planned acquisition of Freescale Semiconductor . Compare and contrast the different auditor ’ s professional responsibilities between consulting engagements and audit engagements .
6 . Take a position on whether more legislative and / or regulatory agency oversight will increase or decrease corporate fraud . Provide a rationale to support the position .
7 . Use at least two ( 2 ) quality academic resources in this assignment . Note : Wikipedia and similar type Websites do not qualify as academic resources .
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