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ACC 562 Week 9 DQs
Consolidate d ’ s outside attorney may corroborate the information in the case . Provide a rationale to support your response

ACC 562 Week 9 DQs

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From the case study , determine the main potential ethical dilemmas . Next , use the seven ( 7 ) steps in the ethical decision-making framework to recommend one ( 1 ) course of action you would take in order to avoid the ethical dilemmas . Provide a rationale to support your recommendation .
1 . Identify the ethical issue 2 . Determine who are the affected parties and identify their rights 3 . Determine the most important rights 4 . Develop alternative courses of action
5 . Determine the likely consequences of each proposed course of action
6 . Assess the possible consequences including an estimation of the greatest good for the greatest number
From the case study , based on your recommendation in Part I of this discussion , suggest one ( 1 ) strategy that would support you making the right decision without undermining the manager ’ s confidence in