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ACC 562 Week 6 DQs
information that you need in order to make an informed decision as to whether or not to bid on the audit . Provide a rationale to support your response .
From the case study , analyze the key risk areas associated with an audit of Lincoln Federal Savings and Loan . Next , recommend at least two ( 2 ) risk areas that should be included in the audit plan . Provide a rationale to support your recommendation

ACC 562 Week 6 DQs

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From the e-Activity , support or critique the idea that the Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission ( COSO ) transition would strengthen internal controls over financial reporting in publicly traded companies . Provide a rationale to support your response .
From the case study , determine the fundamental control deficiencies associated with the credit function . Next , propose at least one ( 1 ) control improvement that the credit department management could make in the process . Provide a rationale to support your response .