ACC 562 help A Guide to career/ ACC 562 help A Guide to career/ | Page 36

From the case study, analyze the inquiry letter sent by C.R. Brown. Next, determine at least one (1) omission that you believe occurred within the letter, and suggest one (1) way to improve the letter so that Consolidate d’s outside attorney may corroborate the information in the case. Provide a rationale to support your response -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACC 562 Week 9 DQs For more course tutorials visit From the case study, determine the main potential ethical dilemmas. Next, use the seven (7) steps in the ethical decision-making framework to recommend one (1) course of action you would take in order to avoid the ethical dilemmas. Provide a rationale to support your recommendation. 1. Identify the ethical issue 2. Determine who are the affected parties and identify their rights 3. Determine the most important rights 4. Develop alternative courses of action