ACC 562 EDU Motivated Minds/ ACC 562 EDU Motivated Minds/ | Page 42
6. Assess the possible consequences including an estimation of the
greatest good for the greatest number
From the case study, based on your recommendation in Part I of this
discussion, suggest one (1) strategy that would support you making the
right decision without undermining the manager’s confidence in your
problem-solving ability in a difficult situation. Provide a rationale to
support your response.
ACC 562 Week 10 Assignment 3 Freescale Semiconductors,
Inc (2 PPT)
This Tutorial contains 2 Different PPT
Review the Freescale Semiconductor case, located in Chapter 9 of
your textbook.
Prepare a twelve to twenty (12-20) slide PowerPoint presentation with
speaker notes in which you:
1. Give your opinion as to whether or not additional laws and harsher
penalties on financial fraud can eliminate or mitigate financial fraud.
Support the rationale.