ACC 556 ASSIST Education Terms/ ACC 556 ASSIST Education Terms/ | Page 71

Two companies report the same cost of goods available for sale but eac h employs a different inventory costing method. If the price of goods has increased during the period, then the compan y using · Question 19 At Emerson Company, one bookkeeper prepares the cash deposits whil e the other bookkeeper enters the collections in the journal and ledger. Which of the following is the best explanation of this type of internal c ontrol principle over cash receipts? · Question 20 Which statement is incorrect? · Question 21 Management usually wants ________ financial statements and the IR S requires all businesses to file _________ tax returns. · Question 22 All of the following are true regarding the management and monitorin g of cash except · Question 23 If Morris Corporation has a negative $131 million free cash flow, whic h of the following statements is most likely true? · Question 24 Which one of the following is not an objective of a system of internal c ontrols? · Question 25 Olympus Climbers Company has the following inventory data: July 1 Beginning inventory 20 units at $19 $ 380