ACC 544 EDU Start With a Dream / ACC 544 EDU Start With a Dream / | Page 27

• Question 36 Which one of the following would the auditor consider to be an incompatible operation if the cashier receives remittances from the mailroom? • Question 37 An auditor’s tests of controls for completeness for the revenue cycle usually include determining whether • Question 38 An auditor reviews a client’s accounting policies and procedures when considering which of the following planning matters? • Question 39 An entity with a large volume of customer remittances by mail could most likely reduce the risk of employee misappropriation of cash by using • Question 40 An auditor has identified the controller's review of the bank reconciliation as a control to test. In connection with this test, the auditor interviews the controller to understand the specific data reviewed on the reconciliation. In addition, the auditor verifies that the bank reconciliation is properly prepared by the accountant and reviewed by the controller as evidenced by their respective sign-offs. Which of the following types of audit procedures do these actions illustrate? • Question 41 Which of the following best represents a key control for ensuring sales are properly authorized when assessing control risks for sales? • Question 42 An auditor who uses a transaction cycle approach to assessing control risk most likely would test control activities related to transactions involving the sale of goods to customers with the • Question 43 To determine whether internal control relative to the revenue cycle of a wholesaling entity is operating effectively in minimizing the failure to prepare sales invoices, an auditor most likely would select a sample of transactions from the population represented by the • Question 44 For effective internal control, the billing function should be performed by the • Question 45 At which point in an ordinary sales transaction of a wholesaling business would a lack of specific authorization be of least concern to the auditor in the conduct of an audit?