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=================================================== ACC 544 Week 5 Team Asset Governance ( 2 Papers )
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
Include specific internal controls that include authorization of transactions , segregation of duties , adequate records and documentation , security of assets , and independent checks and reconciliation for each business area . The CFO , has again , asked for your assistance in developing internal controls , but this time , in the purchases , payroll , and fixed assets business areas . Write a report of approximately 1,400 to 2,450 words .
· Describe typical activities
· Create a system of internal controls for the purchases , payroll , and fixed assets business areas .
· Discuss the associated risk in these areas . Include specific internal controls that include authorization of transactions , segregation of duties , adequate records and documentation , security of assets , and independent checks and reconciliation for each business area .

=================================================== ACC 544 Week 5 Team Asset Governance ( 2 Papers )

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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers ACC 544 Week 5 Team Asset Governance