habitat of pine trees that are at least thirty, if not sixty, years old, in
which they build nests and forage for insects. The population of this
bird decreased substantially as pine forests were destroyed by clearcutting. The U.S. secretary of the interior has named the red-cockaded
woodpecker an endangered species. The U.S. Forest Service manages
federal forests and is charged with duties to provide recreation,
protect wildlife, and provide timber. To accomplish the charge of
providing timber, the Forest Service often leases national forest lands
to private companies for lumbering. When the Forest Service
proposed to lease several national forests in Texas, where the redcockaded woodpecker lives, to private companies for lumbering, the
Sierra Club, an environmental organization, sued. The Sierra Club
sought to enjoin the Forest Service from leasing these national forests
for lumbering. Who wins? Sierra Club v. Lyng, Secretary of
Agriculture, 694 F.Supp. 1260, Web 1988 U.S. Dist. Lexis 9203
(United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas)
ACC 543 Week 5 Team Aspects of Employment and
Environment Paper and PowerPointRiver Rafting Locations
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Aspects of Employment and Environment Paper and PowerPoint You
are an accountant at a small accounting firm. One of your clients is
looking to open a small river-rafting business. Your client will run the
business operations from a mobile home office on a piece of land on
the riverbank. Your client must decide the best location to start this
business and has asked you to explain the accounting advantages of
choosing the best location. Your client is also wondering if the
business should build a permanent structure on the land, or use the