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ACC 499 Week 10 DQ 1 Taxes and DQ 2 Bethlehem Steel
Corporation ' s
statements . Week 9 Discussion 2 " Apple , Inc ." Please respond to the following : �From the case study , in 2009 , the FASB issued a ruling related to income recognition from multiple element sales involving software to various stakeholder groups . Evaluate the impact of Apple ’ s retrospective restatement of its financial statements resulting from FASB ’ s ruling . Provide support for your rationale . �From the case study , examine the influence of both Apple ’ s reported deferred revenue and the lobbying by Apple executives on FASB ’ s ruling . Indicate your agreement or disagreement with Apple ’ s attempt to influence FASB ’ s ruling . ===================================================

ACC 499 Week 10 DQ 1 Taxes and DQ 2 Bethlehem Steel

Corporation ' s

Week 10 Discussion 1

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" Taxes " Please respond to the following :
· From the e-Activity , create a scenario reflecting the differences between GAAP and international accounting standards for taxes . Determine which reporting standard best reflects financial reporting for taxes , and support your position .
· Examine the impact of FIN 48 ( Accounting for the Uncertainty in income taxes ) on GAAP reporting . Identify the benefits of the requirements on financial reporting . Assess whether FIN 48 was necessary , and support your position .
Week 10 Discussion 2 " Bethlehem Steel Corporation ' s Deferred Taxes " Please respond to the following :