ACC 499 Week 6 DQ 1 Cyberattacks in Public Companies
and DQ 2 Koss Corporation
· From the e-Activity , create an argument for the use of the mark-tomarket accounting method for pension accounting . Evaluate the impact of earnings volatility on financial reporting using mark-tomarket accounting , and indicate whether or not you believe this is a fair representation of pension obligations .
· Defend the current GAAP rules for pension accounting reporting on the balance sheet and the income statement . Recommend a change you would make to the current pension accounting to more accurately reflect the future obligations of a company . Week 5 Discussion 2 " General Motors " Please respond to the following :
· From the case study , assess the benefits and detriments of the U . S . Government-proposed bankruptcy plan that conserved General Motors ’ liability to the United Auto Workers ( UAW ) pension and retiree health care fund . Indicate your agreement or disagreement with this approach . Provide support for your rationale .
· Examine the major advantages of transferring the post-retirement benefits to the UAW by General Motors . Indicate the likely impact to the company and its employees . ===================================================
ACC 499 Week 6 DQ 1 Cyberattacks in Public Companies
and DQ 2 Koss Corporation
Week 6 Discussion 1
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" Cyberattacks in Public Companies " Please respond to the following :
· From the e-Activity , analyze the effects of the SEC ‘ s data breach disclosure requirement on financial reporting , based on the current language of the requirement . Recommend a change to the disclosure