ACC 423 Course Great Wisdom / ACC 423 Course Great Wisdom / | Page 23

A . Revenues or gains that are recognized in financial income but are never included in taxable income .
B . Revenues or gains that are taxable before they are recognized in financial income .
C . Expenses or losses that are tax deductible after they are recognized in financial income .
D . Expenses or losses that are tax deductible before they are recognized in financial income .
36 ) Which of the following are temporary differences that are normally classified as expenses or losses that are deductible after they are recognized in financial income ?
A . Depreciable property . B . Product warranty liabilities . C . Advance rental receipts . D . Fines and expenses resulting from a violation of law . 37 ) In accounting for a defined-benefit pension plan
A . the expense recognized each period is equal to the cash contribution .
B . the employer ‟ s responsibility is simply to make a contribution each year based on the formula established in the plan .
C . an appropriate funding pattern must be established to ensure that enough monies will be available at retirement to meet the benefits promised .
D . the liability is determined based upon known variables that reflect future salary levels promised to employees .