ACC 422 Expect Success/ ACC 422 Expect Success/ | Page 10

the proper accounting treatment of the cost of the building woul d depend on 22) The period of time during which interest must be capitalized ends when 23) Which of the following assets do NOT qualify for capitalizat ion of interest costs incurred during construction of the assets? 24) When computing the amount of interest cost to be capitalize d, the concept of “avoidable interest” refers to 25) The KingKong Corporation exchanges one plant asset for a similar plant a sset and gives cash in the exchan ge. The exchange is NOT expe cted to cause a material change in the future cash flows for eithe r entity. If a gain on the disposal of the old asset is indicated, the gain will 26) When a plant asset is acquired by issuance of common stock , the cost of the plant asset is properly measured by the 27) The cost of a nonmonetary asset acquired in exchange for an other nonmonetary asset and the exchange has commercial subst ance is usually recorded at 28) Which of the following principles best describes the concept ual rationale for the methods of matching depreciation expense with revenues? 29) If an industrial firm uses the units-ofproduction method for computing depreciation on its only plant asset, factory machinery, the credit to accumulated depreciation from period to period during the life of the firm will 30) Which of the following most accurately reflects the concept of depreciation as used in accounting? 31) Prentice Company purchased a depreciable asset for $200,0 00. The estimated salvage value is $20,000, and the estimated us eful life is 10 years. The straightline method will be used for depreciation. What is the depreciati on base of this asset? 32) Harrison Company purchased a depreciable asset for $100,0 00. The estimated salvage value is $10,000, and the estimated us eful life is 10 years. The straightline method will be used for depreciation. What is the depreciati