ACC 4010 help A Guide to career/ ACC 4010 help A Guide to career/ | Seite 3

Amelia, age thirty-three, is an abandoned spouse and maintains a household for her three dependent children. She has AGI of $58,000 and itemized deductions of $9,100. Dale, age forty-two, is divorced but maintains the home in which he and his daughter, Jill, live. Jill is single and qualifies as Dale's dependent. Dale has AGI of $64,000 and itemized deductions of $9,900. Understanding Different Filing Statuses: In each of the following independent situations, determine Winston's filing status. Winston is not married. Winston lives alone, but he maintains a household in which his parents live. The mother qualifies as Winston's dependent, but the father does not. Winston lives alone, but he maintains a household in which his married daughter, Karin, lives. Both Karin and her husband (Winston's son-in- law) qualify as Winston's dependents. Winston maintains a household in which he and a family friend, Ward, live. Ward qualifies as Winston's dependent. Winston maintains a household in which he and his mother-in-law live. Winston's wife died last year. Same as (d), except that Winston's wife disappeared (i.e., she did not die) two years ago. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACC 4010 Week 3 Assignment 2 Qualified Tuition Program For more course tutorials visit