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ACC 401 Week 1 Assignment Chapter 2 Problems 32 , 33 & 38 ( UOP )
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ACC 401 Week 1 Assignment Chapter 2 Problems 32 , 33 & 38 ( UOP )

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32 ) List the five types of filing status and briefly explain the requirements for the use of each one .
33 ) In which of the following cases may the taxpayer claim head of household filing status ?
a . The taxpayer is single and maintains a household which is the principal place of abode of her infant son .
b . The taxpayer is single and maintains a household for herself and maintains a separate household which is the principal place of abode of her dependent widowed mother .
c . The taxpayer is married from January to October and lived with his spouse from January to May . From June 1 to December 31 , the taxpayer maintained a household that was the principal place of abode