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Product Description
The first final project for this course is the creation of an accounting workbook and accompanying informational report to taxpayers .
Governments are unique in that most of their revenue comes from taxes and fees imposed upon the citizens . It is the responsibility of the government accountant to provide accountability for these funds through financial reports .
By working through this project , you will understand how revenues and expenditures are accounted for in governments . The information is presented in various funds that provide accountability at a more detailed level through fund-level statements . The information is also presented in big-picture form through government-wide statements .
In the accounting workbook and report , you will use course-provided information to ( 1 ) analyze government transactions for various funds in accordance with the standards of the Government Accounting Standards Board ( GASB ); ( 2 ) create and use fund financial statements to assist in the creation of government-wide statements ; and ( 3 ) communicate the results of operations to interested taxpayer groups .