ACAMS Today Magazine (March-May 2011) Vol. 10 No. 2 | Page 6

FROM THE EDITOR November–January CAMS Graduates S ome of my favorite TV shows involve cops, detectives and investigators. Lately, I have been watching Hawaii Five-O, Castle, White Collar and the Mentalist. I always wonder what makes cop and detective shows so appealing to mainstream society. For the vast majority of people the closest they come to directly interacting or walking in the steps of a law enforcement official is a Thursday night on the couch watching their favorite cop show. However, for those in the AML field interacting with law enforcement is part of the routine. Compliance and law enforcement professionals work side-by-side in the fight against crime. We created this special edition of ACAMS Today to highlight the joint efforts of both professionals, with the goal of helping compliance and law enforcement professionals form successful partnerships. The lead article Viewing in monochrome? articulates the importance of understanding the different perspectives between compliance and law enforcement. Learn the importance of partnerships and how innovations can champion the efforts of compliance and law enforcement professionals in combating crime. Have you ever wondered what goes on inside a criminal mind? Inside the white-collar criminal mind gives a sneak peak at the cryptic world of a criminal. Discover the immoral qualities that might help you find a white-collar criminal within your organization. We are constantly making decisions everyday of our lives. The article When to make the call to law enforcement offers guidelines on how to make the appropriate decision. Learn what experts have to say about when you should make that important call. Criminals try to constantly exploit every angle. The article Organized crime at your doorstep outlines what four areas every institution should be mindful of. Criminals depend on their understanding of human nature when trying to take advantage of your institution. Ascertain the importance of quality reporting in Suspicious Activity Reporting: Quality assurance is key to maximizing reporting value. The article outlines how to obtain SAR quality by following the five “W’s.” Remember that a poorly prepared SAR could negatively impact law enforcement’s efforts in an investigation. As AML professionals we may never be able to say “Book ’em Danno” but working closely with law enforcement will help us all contribute to minimizing crime. Also, we would like to thank our many authors that contribute to the ACAMS Today and as such we would like you, the readers to nominate an article from 2010 that you enjoyed or found the most useful for the ACAMS Today Article of the Year Award. Please indicate the article title, author, in which edition it was printed and a brief summary to support your nomination. All nominations must be received by August 1, 2011. Also, please send all nominations to [email protected]. The winner will receive their award at the Annual ACAMS Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada in September. As always do not forget to send your comments, ideas for articles and submissions directly to me at [email protected]. Karla Monterrosa-Yancey, CAMS editor/communications manager ACAMS 6 ACAMS TODAY | MARCH–MAY 2011 | ACAMS.ORG Sameh Abozina Bonnielyn Adderley Amjad Al-Shawahneh Dana Aldridge Asim Ali Gary Almiron Nasir Ameen Stephanie Anstead Roxanne Arambula Anne Archer Eric Arciniega Pembe Arifoglu Christopher Armstrong David Arroyo Andria Arsic Emre Atabay Lisa Austin Donna Baer Craig Bailey Timothy Baker Amrit Bansal Zhou Baokang Henry Barhan Kevin Benes Zheng Benju Thomas Bennington Amit Bhojwani Susan Bnoit Zhou Bo Adrian Bock Ricky Boirard Maud Bokkweink Olga Bolet Leonard Bolton Kelvin Bonilla Sujata Bose John Bower Rendell Briggs Andrew Brinker Sterling Broadbent Charles Brown Michael Brunt Ann Bu Melissa Burow David Burton Vefa Buyukalpelli Augusto Cabrera Ronan Caffrey William Caldeira Emilio Cardenas Tammy Carroll Adriana Castano Sevgi Cayonlu Jeff Chamberlain Dominic Chan Michelle Ching Yuen Chan Colin Chapman Jose Chavez Sanchez Soon Chye Cheah