ACAMS Today Magazine (March-May 2011) Vol. 10 No. 2 | Page 4

MARCH–MAY 2011 | VOL. 10 NO. 2 ON THE COVER ACAMS Executive Vice President Editor/Communications Manager Global Director of Conferences and Training Senior Vice President of Business Development Head of Asia Director of Operations for Latin America John J. Byrne, CAMS Karla Monterrosa-Yancey, CAMS Eva Bender Geoffrey Chunowitz, CAMS Hue Dang, CAMS Gonzalo Vila, CAMS Director of Marketing Certification Manager Viewing in monochrome? Kourtney McCarty Llopis Giovanna Oquendo Llano, CAMS Account Executives 46 Corporate Sponsorship and Advertising Andrea Winter Graphic Design Victoria Racine Cover photo: Kaitlin Racine ACAMS Today is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information concerning international money laundering controls and related subjects. In publishing this work, neither the authors nor the association are engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. The services of a competent professional should be sought if such assistance is required. ACAMS Today is published four times a year for ACAMS members. To join, contact: ACAMS Brickell Bayview Center 80 Southwest 8th Street, Suite 2350 Miami, FL 33130 Tel. 1-866-459-CAMS (2267) or 1-305-373-0020 Fax 1-305-373-5229 or 1-305-373-7788 Email: [email protected] Web site: ACAMS ADVISORY BOARD Chairman: Richard A. Small, CAMS Enterprise Wide AML and Sanctions Risk Management, American Express, USA William J. Fox Senior Vice President, Global AML and Economic Sanctions Executive Bank of America, Charlotte, NC, USA Anthony Luis Rodriguez, CAMS, CPA Chief Global Compliance Officer, RIA Financial Services, Cerritos, CA, USA Samar Baasiri, CAMS Head of Compliance Unit, BankMed, Lebanon Susan Galli, CAMS Director of AML Programs, HSBC Holdings North America, Inc, New York, NY, USA Nancy Saur, CAMS, FICA Regional Head of Compliance & Risk Management, ATC Group N.V., Cayman Islands Peter Hazlewood Managing Director Compliance Services & Security Group Legal, Compliance, Secretariat and Security, DBS Bank, Hong Kong Markus E. Schulz Chief Compliance Officer Global Life & Banking, Zurich Insurance Company Ltd, Zurich, Switzerland David Clark, CAMS Head of Intelligence and Analysis for Barclays Wealth Financial Crime, Barclays Wealth Financial Crime, UK Brian L. Ferrell Assistant Vice President and Assistant General Counsel of AML/OFAC/FCPA Compliance, The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., USA To advertise, contact: Andrea Winter Tel. 1-305-373-0020 ext. 3030 Email: [email protected] 4 David Kehr, Sonia Leon and Jose Lewis ACAMS TODAY | MARCH–MAY 2011 | ACAMS.ORG Michael Kelsey, CAMS Global AML Compliance Officer, TD Bank North, MT Laurel, NJ, USA William D. Langford Senior Vice President and Director of Global AML, JP Morgan Chase and Co., New York, NY, USA Daniel Soto, CAMS Executive Compliance Director and BSA/AML Officer, Charlotte, NC, USA