How would you describe your work mates at the club?
My work mates at my club all vary in ages, many starting off at nippers and ranging right up into the masters categories. These people all participate in lifesaving for different reasons but the over arching theme that they all seem to have is this love of the beach, the appreciation they have of the surf, and the passion and dedication to help out the community in an environment that promotes fun, good health and motivation to all members at all levels.
Lastly, what advice would you give to someone that is thinking of joining his or her local life saving club?
I think everyone should give it a go. It's not for everyone, as with all sports, but it is definitely something everyone should have a go with. You learn so many life skills and can make so many amazing lifelong friends. Joining a life saving club in your local community or down on the surf coast doesn’t just stop during summer, lifesaving can open so many doors and other opportunities up, can help you develop many different skills and it's so much fun.
Thank you for your time Georgia, good luck and have fun in Sri Lanka, we hope to interview you again, upon your return!