Academy Journal Volume 58 | Page 6

the academy journal Chancellor’s Report The Rt. Rev Brian Keith T he 2016-17 school year was filled with many steps forwards, and the usual challenges that are to be expected for any educational institu- tion. Perhaps the most notable highlight is the dedication of the administrators, faculty and staff in delivering New Church education to usually affirmative students. What happens in the inter- actions of these key players is an almost magical development of minds, intellectually, artistically, athletically, emotionally and spiritually. The Lord is present here and working wonders. On the organizational side, Brent McCurdy was elected as vice-chair of the Board. Charlie Cole had admirably served in this role for four years and we owe him a debt of gratitude for this. All newly elected Board members are incumbents: Andrew Alden, Brett Heinrichs, Brian Klippen- stein, Charles Lindsay, Susan McGrath and Joseph Seckelman. New Corporation members: Shaun Buss, Sean Connelly, David Cooper, Kyle Gen- zlinger, Leslie Horigan, Travis Lindsay, Catherine McQueen and Wayne Wadsworth. We welcome them on board and look forward to the impact they will make. In addition to the many contributions, both financial and volunteer time, people make to the Academy each year, we were blessed with the gift of the Michael and Geneva Pitcairn property. This 34 acre plot of land borders the northern boundary of the historic district and the Huntingdon Valley Pike. A committee is studying its potential uses, in harmony with the historic district. The Board also completed an extensive re-examination of our gift trust policy to ensure that the donors’ intent is always honored. An exciting new program has been developed by the college and secondary schools. In the 2017- 18 school year, there will be a dual enrollment pro- gram, with college professors teaching high school students who will receive both advanced credit and college credit. Secondary school students will benefit from the academic challenge and possibly reduced time and cost of college, the Secondary Schools will find this to be an attractive recruiting tool, and the college is likely to see more Academy Secondary School students enroll in the future. The College and Secondary Schools continue their excellence in education. The college has be- gun a full-blown building arts program (metal working, stained glass, etc.) and anticipates the largest enrollment in history. The secondary schools have updated their strategic planning, to 6