Chancellor’s Report
The Rt. Rev Brian Keith
he Academy had another sterling year of
educating young minds for the future and
fulfilling its charter purpose of “propagating the
Heavenly Doctrines of the New Jerusalem and establishing the New Church signified in the Apocalypse by the New Jerusalem.” The Girls School,
Boys School, College, Theological School, Swedenborg Library, Glencairn and Cairnwood Estates all
have exciting and mission centered uses that you
can read about in their various reports. I will just
highlight a few areas.
seums, so he could not serve on a board with a
museum.) Many thanks to both of them for their
years of service.
We welcomed onto the board Brian Blair and
Phil Feerrar. We look forward to their dedication
and talents being directed to this use.
Jill Brickman also stepped down as Vice-Chair
of the board. She had served in that role for 3 years
and did a marvelous job. Her support for the administration and careful guidance of the board
set a high standard. Mr. Charles Cole has now assumed the role. His calm and competent demeanor is picking up where Jill left off.
This year marked significant achievements by the
College and Secondary Schools. The College’s accreditation was renewed by the Middle States
Commission on Higher Education. Tremendous
work went into this by the entire faculty and administration – both in meeting MSCHE’s requirements and in producing an extensive analysis and
report. They are to be commended for this. The
Secondary Schools also produced a self-analysis
and were visited by a team from the Middle States
Association. While we are still awaiting their final
report, if it is even remotely like the verbal report
given to the faculty and board, they have passed
with high praise.
Chancellor Retirement
The Rt. Rev. Thomas Kline retired from the office
of Chancellor in June. During his nine year tenure
he encouraged the Academy to share the truths of
the New Church with a broader audience, promoting the growth in the number of students at both
the Secondary School and Collegiate levels. To
support this the campus expanded dramatically,
with the addition of the Doering Center, Brickman
Center, new dormitories, and the reconstruction
of the dining hall. Both College and Secondary
Schools classrooms were improved, adding new
technological tools for instruction. And throughout the campus landscaping and other improvements have left the campus looking more beautiful than ever. He also oversaw governance changes
within the administration, with the introduction a
full President for the College and a Managing Director for the Secondary Schools. Thanks are due
to him for his shepherding of the Academy during
this time.
Academy Board
Two members left the Academy Board. Jill Brickman completed her term of office and is looking
forward to redirecting her volunteer efforts more
locally. Neil Genzlinger’s employment position
changed and he was required to give up his Board
position to avoid a potential conflict of interest.
(His position at the New York Times reviews mu-