Academy Journal Volume 54 | Page 33

  Cairnwood contributed to lower utility and maintenance costs in those facilities as well. was right on budget. Finally, in this category funds are transferred from the schools operating budgets to fund various capital projects. In fiscal 2013 transfers totaling $364 thousand occurred for this purpose. • Other Costs were under budget by $581 thousand. xx Program-related operations were under budget by $275 thousand in total. In the College there were reductions in the library, college café and realignments in student orientation. • Debt Service was below budget last year by $275 thousand due to lower interest and fees expense related to the debt. • Capital Expenditures exceeded budget by $488 thousand. Two projects, the new College Athletic Field and in the Secondary Schools, the Benade Hall floor renovations account for a large portion of this overage. These projects are being funded from targeted gifts. xx Housing-related operations were slightly under budget by $5,000. xx Administrative departments were under budget by $301 thousand in total. In the College there were reductions in admissions, advertising and marketing. Contingencies generated from cuts in the marketing department were not utilized. In the Secondary School lower marketing expenses contributed to the budget savings. The bottom line for the Academy Operations and Capital Items Summaries is $7.7 million of expenditures in excess of receipts. This is a reduction of $4.3 million from the $12.0 million expenditures in excess of receipts in Fiscal 2012. Over the past two years, we have reduced this deficit by $9.7 million. These deficits are funded by endowment withdrawals primarily from the endowments allocated to the schools and debt. We are moving in the right direction and are grateful for the support we are seeing from our donors and friends. • This report is designed to present negative cash flow funded by endowment withdrawals. As such, depreciation, a non-cash expense representing the wear and tear on our facilities, has been excluded from the budget and actual results. Depreciation of $4.7 million is included with operating expenses in our audited financials for Fiscal 2013. CAPITAL CAMPAIGN SUMMARY We continue to receive some gifts and pledge p