Academic Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 7

A Crofton House School Education

Crofton House School ( CHS ), founded in 1898 , is a school where girls can boldly pursue their education in a rigorous academic tradition alongside robust programs in the arts and athletics .
Our students learn the values of courage , creativity , and citizenship supported by extraordinary teachers and a vibrant community . In addition , the School offers comprehensive co-curricular sports and activities programs , which serves to further develop character , leadership , team building , and community spirit .
Whole Girl Education Model
We believe in a student-centered , inquiry-based , collaborative delivery model that allows our girls to explore competencies and international practise through our enriched curricular content .
Our girls feel valued as individuals ; as part of the collective school community they create and plan their personal journey . As they embrace responsibility for their learning journey , they are more engaged and invested in their personal learning . This environment nurtures the whole girl , giving her choice while making meaningful connections to all aspects of her education .
An environment of intellectual curiosity is created and fostered by centering the learning experience on questioning , imagination , observation and wonder . Creative and critical thinking are valued and encouraged .
Students develop an understanding and participate in the shared goals of the learning community . As they work together , share ideas , create knowledge , solve problems , encourage and foster interdependent relations , and appreciate diversity , they will enhance the collective learning experience .

Overview of the BC Curriculum

The objective of this section is to provide an overview of the 10 elements of the BC Curriculum , which is in the final stages of implementation , and as they pertain to the Crofton House Senior School curriculum . Links to key curriculum resources are provided to guide further reading of the most recent documents .
Ten Elements
1 . Focus on learner-centred and flexible learning . Personalized options enable students to participate in choosing course content . An inquiry-based , hands-on approach encourages students to take more personal responsibility for learning . Teachers have greater flexibility in creating learning environments that are relevant , engaging , and novel , promoting local contexts and place-based learning .
2 . Curriculum structure has common components , regardless of subject . These components work together to support deep learning .
a . Core Competencies ( what students will be able to demonstrate ) – intellectual , personal , and social proficiencies demonstrated across curricular areas .
b . Big Ideas ( what students will understand ) – generalizations , principles , key concepts .
c . Learning Standards – Curricular Competencies ( what students will be able to demonstrate ) – skills , strategies , processes demonstrated within a curricular area .