Complete the Intent to Disclose Personal Information form Students
Post-Secondary Counsellors
□ Understand the purpose of the Intent to Disclose Personal Information agreement and the potential impact of unacceptable behaviour ( Code of Conduct and / or Academic Honesty and Integrity ) on post-secondary acceptance
□ Complete the Intent to Disclose Personal Information form as required at the start of each academic year .
□ Take responsibility for any disciplinary action that may jeopardize post-secondary acceptance .
□ Understand the purpose of the Intent to Disclose Personal Information agreement and the potential impact of unacceptable behaviour ( Code of Conduct and / or Academic Honesty and Integrity ) on post-secondary acceptance
□ Read and sign the form as required at the start of each academic year .
□ Review language of agreement annually and collaborate with the Director , Senior School to make any changes to the agreement .
□ With students , review , clarify , and ensure they understand the content and purpose of the agreement
□ Support students who are potentially impacted by the mandatory reporting of infractions to post-secondary institutions .
Conditional Offers of Acceptance and what it means to you .
A Cautionary Tale : Each year , one or more students have an offer of acceptance rescinded due to a drop in academic standing . The most common reason for academic decline is an increase in class absences .
Post-Secondary Counsellors
□ Carefully review all offers of acceptance to a post-secondary institution for ‘ conditions ’ including academic standing .
□ Maintain standing in all classes that earned the acceptance .
□ Avoid unnecessary absence and lates and submit all assignments on time
□ Carefully review all offers of acceptance to a post-secondary institution for ‘ conditions ’ including academic standing .
□ Support the school ’ s attendance expectations by not excusing absences that are unnecessary and ensuring your daughter is at school on time even after receiving an offer of admission .
( Note : Post-Secondary Counsellors have no responsibility for students meeting the conditions placed on offers of acceptance . As part of normal school operation , Student Services and a student ’ s advisor tracks student attendance and shares concerns that arise with students and parents . Where there is evidence of academic jeopardy , a meeting will be arranged with school administration to put into place a plan for improvement .)