Academic Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 27

student requires additional outside support which is not yet in place , a student will be placed on ‘ academic probation ’. This will be structured in the form of a contract .
The Director , Senior School , and other administrators as required , will meet with the student and her parents / guardians , to review the student ’ s progress in the school and the actions taken to date . At this meeting , the student and her parents / guardians will be given an opportunity to articulate their understanding of the challenges currently being experienced by the student . Similarly , the School will outline the situation that has resulted in a contract toward improvement . This contract will identify :
• What is required of the student to demonstrate improvement , such as :
• Improved attendance ,
• Effective use of class time ,
• Improved adherence to deadlines , and / or
• The active seeking of support from teachers and / or Learning Strategies ;
• What the school will provide in terms of support and monitoring and who will be responsible for overseeing progress ;
• If required , the additional outside support required and the expectation of the family to seek and implement this additional level of support ;
• A timeline for both monitoring and conclusion ; and
• A description of possible outcomes and next steps .
Academic Probation Outcomes
There are three possible outcomes of a contract toward improvement .
1 . Successful progress - The student , by the end of the contract , has demonstrated the required actions and is moving toward academic improvement in the areas or subjects where the student had been struggling .
2 . Extension of contract - There are two situations which will result in the extension of a contract :
a . The student is demonstrating some improvement and it is believed that focused effort and / or a longer period of close monitoring will result in improved student progress .
b . The student is failing to progress due to a lack of consistent effort toward improvement and / or an unwillingness to access the support being provided . Should this be the conclusion , the contract will be extended to give the student a further and final chance to improve . At this stage , the student and parents will be made aware that if no improvement takes place , re-enrollment will be denied .
3 . Re-Enrollment Denied - The contract outcome indicates that the student is unable to demonstrate the skill , knowledge or attitude necessary to be successful to the degree expected of all CHS students given the support available .

Student Services

Student Services offers a variety of support systems to meet the academic , emotional , and physical needs of Crofton House School students . In partnership with the student ’ s family , advisor , Head of Grade , and teachers , Student Services provides a support system to help students thrive on all these levels . The Student Services department includes , personal counsellors , and learning strategists .