Academic Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 25

Who Is Supported on an ELP ?
A student supported on an ELP will be able to demonstrate an understanding of key concepts and big ideas with fewer or less rigorous requirements for learning
… returning to learn following an extended absence for reasons beyond their control ( eg . concussion ).
Evidence an ELP is Effective
An ELP is effective when :
… experiencing health-related issues that impact their ability to be at school full-time .
1 . A student demonstrates they are able to meet the expectations of learning included on the ELP in terms of quality of learning and timing ;
2 . The student is able to maintain a continuous connection with the learning and move forward in their learning ;
3 . The student demonstrates they are able to manage increasing learning expectations as the plan comes to an end ; and
4 . The student is , in a timely manner , able to transition to the expectations of the course .
Evidence an ELP is Ineffective
A student will not be placed on an ELP or will be removed from an ELP when it is determined that it is ineffective . An ELP is ineffective when :
1 . There is evidence that even the minimum level of learning expectations which constitute the ELP exceeds a student ’ s ability to demonstrate success with the plan ; or
2 . The student is not able to maintain a continuous connection with the learning ; or
3 . The student experiences a decline in physical or mental health as a result of their effort to be academically successful according to the plan .
In any of the above circumstances , the school , student and parents must consider whether or not Crofton House School is able to continue to support the student ’ s continued enrolment .
Questions to Guide Teachers ’ Consideration in Identifying “ Essential Learning ”
1 . What would you consider a ‘ baseline ’ or ‘ foundational ’ level of competency for future success such that , without it , a student would significantly struggle in future , related learning ?
2 . For performance-related tasks , to what extent are you able to modify assessments in order to provide the student with an opportunity to demonstrate her learning ?
3 . What level of support would the student require in order to address any gap in knowledge , skill or understanding ? Could any gap in knowledge , skill or understanding be readily overcome with increased maturity , additional study , and / or support from a tutor ?
4 . Will the ELP permit the student to successfully transition back to regular curricular expectations ?
5 . How will an adjustment of the learning timeline impact a student ’ s ability to be reintegrated into regular learning at the end of an ELP ?
6 . What “ essential learning tasks ” would you require in order to have sufficient evidence to assess student learning of your course standards ?
Non-essential assessments may include :
• Small summative quizzes or “ Checks for Understanding ” ( CFU )