Academic Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 20

Advanced Placement ( AP ) Courses

Advanced Placement courses are created by the College Board , a “ mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success ”. Although the College Board is an American Organization , students in countries around the world are able to participate in courses designed and assessed by the College Board .
Crofton House School offers a careful selection of Advanced Placement courses as part of the academic program . Overall , these courses provide students with an opportunity to experience a post-secondary level course in a familiar and supportive environment . Students who complete an AP course and examination are able to dig further into courses they love , obtain a possibility of distinction when applying to US schools and potential post-secondary credit . It is important to state clearly : there is no formula or a prescribed number of AP courses required for postsecondary admission .
Beginning in Grade 11 , students may opt to take Advanced Placement courses at CHS . Prior to enrolling in an Advancement Course , students should self-evaluate their interest in and need for an AP Course . Questions they should consider include :
• What do I hope to get out of this AP Course ?
• Do I have the background necessary to be successful in this course ?
• Knowing my interests as well as my knowledge , skill and understanding of this subject to date , would a teacher who has taught me this subject recommend this course for me ?
• Do I have a true interest in this subject in order to sustain me to the end of the course ?
• Do I have the capacity given my current course load and co-curricular involvement to sustain this course through to the end of the course ?
• How might the high expectations of this course impact my success in other courses ?
• How many AP courses are reasonable for me ?
• What will this course do for me when applying to post-secondary institutions , and how do I know this for sure , or am I going on rumours from others ?
• Have I consulted with people who can help me make this decision ? People such as teachers , Department Heads , the AP Coordinator , and Post-Secondary Counsellors .
Crofton House School AP On-Timetable Courses , Exam Sessions and Reporting
Students who select AP courses at Crofton House School attend this class as they do any other class . Some courses provide additional sessions for students outside of the timetable and students should be aware that the curriculum of these courses does require independent learning of some content in order to cover the full breadth of the course . Students are provided with regular feedback on their learning through school-based assessments similar to all other courses .
All students in an AP course are taught the curriculum designed by the College Board in order to be prepared for the final exam ( set by the College Board ). Not all CHS students will opt to write the final AP exams , and the school supports giving students a choice to write or not write the AP exam . All students are adequately assessed on the curriculum and teachers are confident that the ongoing formative and summative assessments are sufficient to provide an accurate grade to students .
AP exams take place in May . There is a charge for each AP exam that a student writes . Students who do not show up to write their scheduled AP exam will still incur a charge for the exam , and there is an additional fee for late sittings . These will appear as re-charges in the student ’ s account .