Academic Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 13

4 . The course numbers reached a maximum such that adding further students would require additional sections that have not been staffed , and the students requesting the course have other options available without impacting graduation requirements .
Change or Withdraw from a Course
Students should pay close attention to the schedule for course selection listed in “ Schedule : Course Selection to Finalizing a Timetable ”. The construction of the ‘ master ’ timetable begins immediately following the final day for students to input course selection . All requests to change or withdraw from a course must be submitted through an online form . The link will be shared with students through a MySchool announcement .
Non-Subject Blocks
There are two types of blocks that are reserved for students who meet specific requirements . For specific information about these blocks and / or to make a request to have one or both of these blocks in a student timetable , please contact Student Services .
Independent Study ( IND ) Block
By application , students may be permitted to have one or more blocks in a timetable for “ Independent Study ” ( IND ).
To qualify for an IND block , there needs to be exceptional circumstances , beyond the regular cocurricular program or student extra-curricular interests . Students who are involved in athletics at a provincial , or national level , or artists who are engaged in formal training at a minimum of 20 hours a week may need more time during the day to help balance their commitments after school . Alternatively , students who have ongoing medical needs that impact their ability to take a full load of classes , may also qualify for an IND block .
The learning that occurs in this block is as important as any other course and students with an IND block are required to be present in the IND room where attendance is recorded . Beyond time , there is limited support for students with an IND block , and , for this reason , consideration is given to the student ’ s ability to self-manage .
Students who have an IND block in their timetable retain this privilege provided the personal circumstances that warranted the IND block continues and the student makes effective use of the time . If these two conditions are not met , a student will be required to change into a second semester course .
Students who are considering an IND block must consider the requirements for graduation . There is no credit awarded for this block .
Please note , Grade 8-9 students requesting an IND must demonstrate the necessary executive functioning and self regulation skills to work independently and productively during IND blocks .
Learning Strategies Block
By application , students may be permitted to have one or more blocks in a timetable for Learning Strategies ( LS ). Students in a Learning Strategies block have the opportunity to work with teachers in a