Academic Handbook 2023-2024 | Page 26

• Assessments that extend the learning beyond the expectations of the Ministry curriculum
• Assessment that measures specific technical skills that have been , or will be demonstrated at least once ( preference is two or three times )

Academic Probation

A student experiences academic success when she is :
1 . Enrolled in courses which are appropriate in terms of student readiness for the level of academic challenge each course presents ;
2 . Attending classes regularly and thereby keeping up with the learning ;
3 . Seeking assistance from her teachers , when required and in a timely manner ; and
4 . Availing herself of the additional support structures in the school such as Peer Tutoring and Learning Strategies when she feels she needs additional forms of support .
Student progress is monitored by teachers and Student Services ensuring early intervention and support is provided to students who are struggling . Evidence of challenge is revealed through :
1 . Frequent or long periods of absence that appear to be unrelated to an explainable issue such as illness ;
2 . A relatively high number of assessments being completed after the assigned date ;
3 . A relatively high number of assessments outstanding in one or more courses ; or
4 . Completed assessments demonstrating a lack of progress from an “ emerging ” level .
Early Intervention
When a concern regarding a student ’ s academic progress requires more than a conversation or email alert , details about the nature of the concern are shared with the student and , as required , her parents / guardians by the teacher .
Depending on the response or action taken by the student , the teacher will alert the student ’ s advisor , Head of Grade and Student Services . Depending on what is known at the time , the Advisor , Head of Grade or the Assistant Director , Teaching and Learning will solicit input from all teachers on the progress being made in all courses .
In the event that there is a pattern or the existing concern extends beyond a single course , a School-Based Team meeting will be held which is a meeting attended by all teachers of the student in question and any outside professionals as appropriate . Together , they explore the challenges , propose actions of support , create a monitoring plan and assign responsibilities . Depending on the needs of the student , outside support may be required and this will be recommended to the student and their parents / guardians . Parents will be included in this process by meeting with the students assigned case manager or advisor .
Progress will continue to be monitored by the student ’ s Advisor and actions taken should there be any further decline in any of the areas of concern . Action may include increased support , modification or further changes to course load or course enrolment , or direct intervention such as mandatory tutorials or Learning Strategies sessions . As circumstances demand , a contract toward improvement will be put into place .
‘ Academic Probation ’ - Contract Toward Improvement
When it becomes evident that the student is enrolled in courses which are within her ability to be successful and the school-based academic support offered to a student is either not fully being taken advantage of by the student or the