Academic Handbook 2023-2024 | Page 22

Crofton House School Policy on Summer School , Night School , and Distance Learning ( Online / Distributed Learning ) Courses
In order that a British Columbia Graduation Diploma ( Dogwood ) granted by Crofton House School ( CHS ) reflects academic work done at the school , Crofton House has implemented the following policy on supplementary courses . These include summer school courses , night school courses , and Distance Learning ( online / distributed learning ) courses .
• Students must take all BC Ministry required courses for the British Columbia Graduation Diploma ( Dogwood ), including English Studies 12 , at Crofton House School .
• Students must take all prerequisite courses at Crofton House ( e . g . a student must complete Chemistry 11 at CHS in order to register for Chemistry 12 at CHS ). Students choosing to enrol in a prerequisite elective course outside CHS will be restricted from continuing their study in this subject area at CHS . She may , however , elect to continue to earn credits outside of CHS ( e . g . a student completes Chemistry 11 during the summer at a BC certified school and continues to study Chemistry 12 , again , through a program offered outside of CHS ).
• Students will not be permitted to register for a Distance Learning Course ( online / distributed learning ) if the course is offered and available to the student at Crofton House School .
There may be exceptions to the above policy due to extenuating circumstances such as prolonged illness or an extraordinary commitment to an outside sport or interest . These exceptions will be determined on an individual basis by the Director , Senior School and / or the Assistant Director , Teaching and Learning in consultation with the relevant Department Head or Coordinator of the particular course .
Course credit will only be granted for courses taken from a BC Ministry of Education accredited organization .
Upon completion of any CHS approved summer school , night school or distance learning ( online / distributed learning ) course , it is the student ’ s responsibility to provide the documentation indicating final marks in order for any information to be added to the school transcript . Courses taken outside of CHS are clearly delineated from CHS courses on a school transcript and are therefore recognized by outside institutions as having been completed outside of Crofton House School .
Earning Credits : Policy For Course Equivalency , Challenge , External Credentials or Independent Directed Study
The process by which Crofton House School awards credits for other learning is based upon the BC Ministry of Education ’ s policy , “ Earning Credit through Equivalency , Challenge , External Credentials , Post-Secondary Credit and Independent Directed Studies .” This policy extends from Ministerial Order 302 / 04 , Graduation Program Order , and is fully explained in the B . C . Graduation Program Policy Guide , September , 2022 .
The policy guide reads :
Besides successfully completing courses in B . C ., public and independent school students can earn credits toward graduation in a variety of other ways . The following credit options align with the principles of personalized learning , flexibility , and choice for students and help provide inclusive opportunities for students to follow their interests and passions as part of their learning .
Students and / or parents are encouraged to review the full Crofton House School Policy For Course Equivalency , Challenge , External Credentials or Independent Directed Study for assessing other student learning for credits . What follows is a summary only .
Caution : Post-secondary institutions may not accept credits earned through this means .