Academic Handbook 2022-2023 | Page 96

Crofton House School
French 11 ( 10 Accelerated )
Prerequisite French 10 ( 9 Accelerated ) Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Classroom-based
French 11 ( 10 Accelerated ) students improve their interpersonal communicative skills through an assortment of linguistic and cultural activities ; speaking and listening skills are furthered through a variety of more complex tasks . Literacy skills are developed through more challenging literary and expository texts and a more in-depth study of structural concepts . Students in this class receive credit for French 11 . Assessment includes interpretive , interpersonal , and presentational modes of communication
French 11
Prerequisite French 10 Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Classroom-based
French 11 students continue to develop core language competencies through communicative activities . Students learn to make cultural connections through various sources including music , film , and texts . Learning and expanding on important structural concepts help prepare those students who wish to pursue French 12 . Assessment includes interpretive , interpersonal , and presentational modes of communication .
French 12 ( 11 Accelerated )
Prerequisite French 11 ( 10 Accelerated ) Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Classroom-based
French 11 ( 10 Accelerated ) students continue to consolidate and review previously learned vocabulary and grammar while acquiring new structures . Interpersonal , presentational , and interpretive activities are promoted .
An increased emphasis is placed on demonstrating a synthesis of vocabulary and grammatical structures , and on applying this knowledge to more complex tasks using all core language competencies . The goal is to develop sufficient vocabulary skills to comprehend and discuss AP topics in more depth . Students in this class receive credit for French 12 . Assessment includes interpretive , interpersonal , and presentational modes of communication .
French 12
Prerequisite French 11 Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Classroom-based
French 12 students continue to expand their knowledge of concepts previously encountered . Students learn how to communicate with fluency , precision , and efficiency orally and in writing . Students learn to make connections through exposure and analysis of music , literature , films and authentic experiences with the Francophone cultures . Assessment includes interpretive , interpersonal , and presentational modes of communication .
AP French Language & Culture
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
French 12 ( 11 Accelerated ) or assessment by the department 4 credits Full year Classroom-based
Students who completed French 12 in their Grade 11 year may elect to take this course in Grade 12 . A communicative approach encourages students to focus on achieving proficiency in core linguistic competencies : listening , reading , speaking , and writing . Global understanding of the French language and culture is achieved through the study of all AP themes : science and technology , global challenges , public and personal identities , aesthetics , family and community , and contemporary life . Students in this course will be prepared to write the AP French Language and Culture exam . Assessment includes interpretive , interpersonal , and presentational modes of communication .