Academic Handbook 2022-2023 | Page 94

Crofton House School
French Program Introduction
All courses fulfill the competencies of the Core French Ministry requirements , with enriched learning taking place at all levels . Students communicate actively in French , both orally and in written form in authentic tasks , and learn through the model of Content ( Know ), Curricular Competencies ( Do ), and Big Ideas ( Understand ) while Francophone culture is an integral component of all our courses . Resources include authentic music , films , audio and literary texts . Linguistic activities consist of field trips , special guests from the Francophone community , and cultural events . All courses provide personalized and collaborative learning opportunities .
In Grade 8 to 11 , students are grouped to accommodate their linguistic strengths , knowledge , and potential . Decisions about any movement in our French program occur towards the end of a school year ; however , a change in placement is considered in exceptional circumstances early in the school year with the Department Head and teacher recommendations .
Furthermore , we provide students with an optimized environment for their learning by grouping them according to their proficiency level and experience with the language .
In Grade 8 and 9 the levels are :
• French program ( standard ): a dynamic program that encompasses communication skills and cultural awareness of the Francophone world . This program focuses on the foundational concepts in order to enhance students ’ proficiency level .
• French enriched program ( Grade 8 and 9 ): this program is introduced this year to allow for students who are ready to learn grade-level French at a faster pace , affording more time and options for more activities and initiatives . Students will be evaluated on the same concepts as the standard French program . proficiency . These students move through the curriculum at a fast pace and will complete the Grade 12 program in their Grade 11 year ( and may consider the Advanced Placement ( AP ) course in their Grade 12 year ).
French 8
Recommended or Prerequisite Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
N / A Full year Classroom-based
French 8 is designed for students with foundational knowledge of the language . Students develop all four linguistic skills : reading , writing , listening , and speaking through communicative themes . Assessment includes interpretive , interpersonal , and presentational modes of communication .
French 8 Enriched
Recommended or Prerequisite
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
Previous year ’ s performance , recommendation from teachers and / or Department Head N / A Full year Classroom-based
French 8 Enriched is designed for students who typically have 5 or more years of experience with French and a proficiency at a higher level than those in the French 8 program . As the foundational concepts are learned at a faster rate , there are more opportunities for more enriched activities and initiatives . Assessments are the same as the French 8 level .
• French accelerated program : a program for students with advanced French language knowledge from an immersion setting , a Francophone background , or a high level of