Academic Handbook 2022-2023 | Page 74

Crofton House School


English is a required subject for all students from Grades 8 to 12 . As students progress through our five year program , they are provided with opportunities to develop increasingly sophisticated thinking and writing skills , and making connections between texts , themselves , and the world in which we live .
In ELA 8 and 9 , students study contemporary and classic texts that are united by particular themes . These courses help students gain confidence in their ability to write about themselves and their life experiences through narrative writing , while also teaching them the foundations of analytical writing , on which subsequent courses will build .
Outline English Language Arts 8 English Language Arts 9 Literary Studies and Creative Writing 10 Literary Studies and Spoken Language 10 Creative Writing 11 Composition 11 Literary Studies 11 Spoken Language 11 English Studies 12 AP English Language and Composition AP English Literature and Composition
In Grades 10 and 11 , students select courses that allow them to focus their studies on an aspect of the English curriculum that is of greatest interest to them . Class size also becomes smaller as students begin to work around Harkness tables , using a discussion-based approach to learning to pursue their studies .
In their graduating year , students continue to work around Harkness tables to complete English Studies 12 , a required course that synthesizes all of the skills that students have acquired in the courses that preceded it . Students may choose to study AP Language and Composition at the grade 11 or 12 level , or AP Literature and Composition at the grade 12 level , as electives .
Gail Robinson Department Head , English 604 263 3266 ext . 7226 grobinson @ croftonhouse . ca